Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring break

Well its spring break here and we have noticed the change in traffic, in our little town. Now biking on the streets is treacherous, what with all the golf carts on the roads, half tons with people in the back (yes, this is Texas, those things are still legal!), and lots of families.
We took 2 bike rides on the beach, one almost to the end, to go any further you need a 4 wheel drive. That was treacherous also, on the return trip on a hot Tuesday. There was quite a traffic jam, with cars, mostly trucks, and college kids all over. Let me try to paint a picture for you, then you can look at the pictures below.

There is the water, then people doing the usual beach things on the beach, then there are posts to stop the vehicles from going closer to the beach, then there are the vehicles parked straight in, as I said, mostly trucks, then there are about 10 feet of sand, then the road (sand), wide enough for about 3 lanes, then more sand and in some places next to that are RV's or trailers or tents set up, then the sand dunes. Where the vehicles are parked, many have all 4 doors open, with music blaring, people may be in, on top or in the back or around the "truck", drinking beer, playing football catch, modelling their bikinis, or yelling at those across the road that are modelling their bikinis. Then on the road is a constant stream, going both ways, of mostly trucks, loaded with girls "modelling" bikinis, or guys blaring music or looking at the modelling of bikinis.....does that give you the impression? It reminded me of when someone got their first car and they had to drive it up and down main street to show it off, like a parade....
Some "trucks" had things painted on them like, "honk if you are horny", "tit police", and such...hmmm, but they are all having alot of fun, mostly. The police are very present, Gerry saw them making some people dump out large vats of beer on the ground...did I bring too much, Officer ?
beach before break

during break

someone brought their blow-up doll

a truck being stopped by police

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